So, I figured since more than a year has passed since the last Hampton House blog post, it's time to dust the ole gal off and get things going again. The new format will be very similar to the old in that the content will vary between art, framing, design and senseless ruminations. The plan is for me to update about once a week with the happenings from the world of Hampton House and beyond. And with that being said, here goes:
Probably the most exciting thing to happen around Hampton House this week was the completion of a true custom framing project. Most of the picture framing we do always while custom is pretty standard stuff (albeit oh so lovely), but once in a blue moon we get a true challenge, and this was a doozey.
Note the arrow indicating where the splice is. |
The challenge was to frame a 100 year old South Pacific
tapa cloth that was longer than the industry standard 10 foot moulding length and way longer than the 60 inch standard for matting and mounting products. We had to splice three sheets of acid free matting and foamcore together to mount the piece down to, and the moulding had to be spliced toghter by master craftsman Steven Cole. If you need to kow why I call Stevie a master craftsman, just check out the photo of the (all but invisible) splice. Needless to say, all materials had to be special ordered and this project took a couple of months to bring to fruition. The result is a true museum worthy piece.
Finished Tapa Cloth |
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